2017 Scholarship Breakfast

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On May 25th, Hamburg Sunrise Rotary presented a scholarship to a high school senior from St. Francis, Hamburg, and Frontier to be used towards their college tuition. Students and their families were invited to a breakfast where they were presented with a scholarship check for $700 each. 
The club took applications from each high school, which were vetted by Rotarians John Obstarczyk, Peter Roswell, and Sister Edmunette Paczesny. 
This years winners were:
Sarah Fiorella - Frontier High School
Stephanie Saia - Hamburg High School
Gene Malacaman - St. Francis High School
Congratulations to this year's recipients and best of luck in your college career!
2017 Scholarship Breakfast Jim Eiseman 2017-05-25 04:00:00Z 0

New Bike Racks for Hamburg Community Playground

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As one of the clubs annual projects, the Hamburg Sunrise Rotary club purchased two permanent bike racks for the new Hamburg Community Playground that was built during the spring of 2017. The bike racks were installed on May 24th near both the Highland and Prospect Ave entrances. The club raised money for the new bike racks through its various fundraisers over the course of the year. 
New Bike Racks for Hamburg Community Playground Jim Eiseman 2017-05-24 04:00:00Z 0

Annual Donation Awarded to St. Peter and Paul

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The Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Club is a proud supporter of St. Peter and Paul.  Depicted is our club member, Cathy Rybczynski, awarding a check to a representative at St. Peter & Paul's Church Parish Outreach Center for their St. Vincent DePaul Society. This is an annual donation to this foundation to help provide food to those in need during the holidays.

Annual Donation Awarded to St. Peter and Paul Jim Eiseman 2016-12-15 00:00:00Z 0

Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Sponsors Boys State

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Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Club has annually sponsored a student to participate in the American Legion Boys State Leadership Program. President Sue Harrington and President-Elect Cathy Rybczynski were present at the awards ceremony to recognize this year's student.  American Legion Boys State is among the most respected educational programs of government instruction for high school students. Each participant becomes a part of the operation of his local, county and state government. Boys State has been a program of The American Legion since 1935.
Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Sponsors Boys State Jim Eiseman 2016-09-22 00:00:00Z 0

Dog Tags New York Visits Hamburg Sunrise Rotary

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On September 15th, 2016, Hamburg Sunrise Rotary was proud to have Dog Tags New York as it's guest for the weekly club meeting. From the Dog Tags New York Facebook page "Our mission is to heal. To heal the wounded soldier whose damages are unseen. To heal the wounded animal whose trust has been broken." Photos are of guest Michael Shanley and his dog Oliver with President Sue Harrington.
- See more at: http://hamburgsunriserotary.org/PhotoAlbums/dog-tags-new-york-visits-hamburg-sunrise-rotary#sthash.aCVROTJU.dpuf
Dog Tags New York Visits Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Jim Eiseman 2016-09-15 00:00:00Z 0

Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Sponsors KIA Memorial Roadmarch

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The Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Club was a proud sponsor of the K.I.A. Memorial Roadmarch held at Chestnut Ridge Park on August 20th, 2016. The club was sponsored a water table for participants in the 10k run as well as collect canned goods for donation. The K.I.A. Memorial Roadmarch is a 501(c)3 that directly helps support Veterans, their families & Veterans organizations in Western New York. After each annual KMR event all non-perishable food is placed in trucks to go to 3 food pantries to help Veterans & their families that need it. Participants go through a 10K ruck march with a ruck full of canned goods. It’s a fun and challenging way to remember members of our armed forces who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our country and to help feed local Veterans.
- See more at: http://hamburgsunriserotary.org/photoalbums/2016-kia-run-at-chestnut-ridge/#sthash.72VhJBwE.dpuf
Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Sponsors KIA Memorial Roadmarch Jim Eiseman 2016-08-20 00:00:00Z 0

Rotary Day at Cradle Beach

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Every year, the Area 13 Rotary Clubs (Hamburg Sunrise, Hamburg Evening, Orchard Park, East Aurora, and West Seneca) host Rotary Day at Cradle Beach, where campers get to participate in games, enjoy snacks and desserts, go on rides, and much more.
Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Club organizes games for the campers every year and purchases prizes for them to win. Thank you to everyone who volunteered to help out this year. Check out our Photo Album for some pictures. 
Rotary Day at Cradle Beach 2016-07-28 00:00:00Z 0

Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Works at Burgerfest

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Every year, the service clubs in the Town of Hamburg (Sunrise Rotary, Evening Rotary, Lions Club, and Kiwanis) come together to host Burgerfest. This annual event is held in the Municipal Parking Lot in the Village of Hamburg and serves as one of the primary fundraisers for each organization. Each Burgerfest features local restaurants selling their burgers, snacks, and desserts, as well as a live music, children's bounce houses, a car show, a variety of vendors, a beer tent, and plenty of time to reconnect with friends in the community. 
The Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Club volunteers to work the ticket tents selling food, beer, and game tickets. Money raised from the event supports a variety of organizations who have a mission that meets Rotary's 4-Way Test. Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and support this event, and special thanks to everyone who volunteered to make Burgerfest 2016 a success.
Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Works at Burgerfest Jim Eiseman 2016-07-16 00:00:00Z 0

2016 Club Officers Installation Dinner

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The Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Club held it's Installation Dinner on Friday, June 24th to install its officers for the 2016-17 Rotary Year. Mark Walling led the installation ceremony. 
President - Sue Harrington
Vice President - Mike Reilly
Secretary - Rosalie Delio
Treasurer - Cindy O'Neill
2016 Club Officers Installation Dinner Jim Eiseman 2016-06-24 00:00:00Z 0

25th Anniversary Celebration

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The Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Club celebrated its 25th Anniversary on May 28th, 2016. In celebration of this, the club held a party at the Woodlawn Beach Pavilion recognizing all founding, past, and current club members. Visit the Photo Album for more pictures from this great event.
25th Anniversary Celebration Jim Eiseman 2016-06-02 00:00:00Z 0

2016 Scholarship Breakfast

Posted by Jim Eiseman
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The Hamburg Sunrise Rotary Club awarded a scholarship to one senior from Frontier High School, Hamburg High School, Immaculata Academy, and St. Francis High School. The awards are chosen by the Club's Scholarship Committee, consisting of John Obstarczyk, Sister Edmunette Paczesny, and Peter Roswell. Members of the Club raise money for the scholarships through a Wine Tasting Fundraiser and by working at a Buffalo Bandits Game selling 50/50 tickets for the Sabres Foundation. 
The 2016 Scholarship winners are:
Eric Depaz - St. Francis High School
Jessica Kiss - Frontier High School
Sarah Schuler - Immaculata Academy
Valentina Schunk - Hamburg High School
Congratulations to all of the 2016 Scholarship Winners!
2016 Scholarship Breakfast Jim Eiseman 2016-05-26 00:00:00Z 0

Trivia Night March 9 2013

Posted by Ursula Hoch on Dec 01, 2012

 Annual Trivia night will be held at Oakwood Manor.  Team Trivia, split club,live auction,basket raffle.  Proceeds fund Hamburg Sunrise Rotary scholarship fund.  Five sholarships are awarded each May,  One to a graduating senior from each of the local high sschools, Immaculata, St. Francis, Hamburg and Frontier. Fifth scholrship goes to a veteran enrolled at  Hilbert College.

Teams must pre-register. Fee is $100.00 per team. Teams must have at  least 3 players and a maximun of 5 players.

Entrance fee for non playing individuals is $20.00 per person or $15.00 if paid before day of event.

Piizza, pop and snacks are provided.  Cash bar is available.

Piizza served at 6:30pm, general audience Trivia at 7:0pm, Live auction at 7:45 and Team Trivia at 8:00pm.
Trivia Night March 9 2013 Ursula Hoch 2012-12-02 00:00:00Z 0
New Members Inducted Oct 2013 Ursula Hoch 0
District Governor Visit Oct 2013 Ursula Hoch 0

2013 Scholarship winners

Posted by Ursula Hoch

ImageScholarship chair John Obstarczyk with this year's Hamburg Sunrise

scholarship winners.


              Marissa Martin           Frontier High School

              James Lillin                Hamburg High School

              Jerek Lelonek             St Francis High School

              Erin Sullivan               Immaculata Academy  


2013 Scholarship winners Ursula Hoch 0
Change of officers picnic 2013 Ursula Hoch 0

Burgerfest 2013

Posted by Ursula Hoch
It was a dark, dreary and very wet beginning to Burgerfest 2013.  Sunrise Rotarians pulled ticket tables and chairs further into the ticket tent. Would the monsoon like winds and rain ever stop? Gradually the skies lightened, the rain and wind stopped and the Sun came out!  A warm breeze and the people came.  Yes, another successful Burgerfest. Pictures of this year's event and our hardworking members are posted under the Photo journal tab.Image
Burgerfest 2013 Ursula Hoch 0

Southtowns Trivia 2012

Posted by Fernando Sandoval
 April 21, 2012 at Oakwood Manor, 6-930PM!  Totally High Energy Event. Who will become champion. What totally off the wall type of trivia or statistics will the QuizzMaster present.  If you don't know it somebody else will. And its for a GREAT CAUSE. High School Scholarships for our community

2012 Southtowns Trivia

Teams being finalized (5 per team) ; Register and join the fun

Sponsorship Advertisements available



                            Contact Mike Reilly at 510 8193 for information              

                            or email   sunrisetrivia@gmail.com


Southtowns Trivia 2012 Fernando Sandoval 0
Why Rotary- Changing the World - The Power of One- Fernando Sandoval 0

Burgerfest 2011

Posted by Ursula Hoch
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Burgerfest 2011 is history.  A very warm, sunny day was enjoyed by many, many, many Burgerfest attendees. Sunrise Rotary's mission was to sell the tickets that bought food and drink for this hugh crowd of people and sell tickets we did! From 11:45 am to 11:30 pm Sunrise Rotarians manned the ticket tent. We moved the lines  quickly so there were no complaints from the public.  This event would not have run so smoothly if Marlene Gonzalez  had not put in hours and hours of her time planning, implemeting and coordinating the new ticket selling process. She even thought about us by providing cold water and pop during the day AND she gave us small breaks during the day as  long as we promised to come back and sell more tickets. A great big THANK YOU to Sunrise Rotarians and their family members for working so hard to make this event the success it was.
Burgerfest 2011 Ursula Hoch 0

District Governor award lunch 2011

Posted by Ursula Hoch
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 Mike Reilly accepts the Presidential Citation and Light House award presented to Sunrise at the awards lunch hosted by 2010-2011 District Governor Karen Oakes.
District Governor award lunch 2011 Ursula Hoch 0

2011 Picnic

Posted by Ursula Hoch
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Sunrise's annual change of officers picnic was held at VFW Post 1419 on Friday, June 24th.   Mike Reilly was just a little concerned when our Master of Ceremony, John Rydzik, could not be found. Was it possible that Mike would serve another year as President? To the great relief of Sunrise Rotarians John was finally located at the bar with his favorite Manhattan in hand. With much pleading from the assembled Rotarians John was persuaded to perform the swearing in ceremony and now Fernando Sandoval is our 2011-2012 Rotary year President.  Mike Reilly received the Paul Harris award as our thank you for his leadership. During Mike's term Sunrise added six new members, achieved the Presidential Citation, the Light House award and initiated an international project to support  Meghan Battin's UR Uganda medical clinic. We look forward to another successful year of doing good deeds under the direction of our new president, Fernando Sandoval. Photos from the picnic are posted in the photo journal box on our website's home page.
2011 Picnic Ursula Hoch 0
Food Pantry Ursula Hoch 0

Youth Exchange

Posted by Ursula Hoch
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 Molly Madden is our outbound student.  She is pictured here with her parents, Betsey and Robert Madden.  Molly will be leaving soon for Argentina. We are looking forward to hearing about her adventures during the next year.
Youth Exchange Ursula Hoch 0
Veterans Recognition Dinner Ursula Hoch 0

Trivia Night

Posted by Ursula Hoch
April 2, 2011 at Oakwood Manor! Sharpen your brain, read all trivia books, do your studying.  Dennis George "The Quizmaster" will challenge all present with obscure facts, unbelievable statistics and just plain fun questions.  Bring your team! You may be the next South Towns Trivia Champions.
Trivia Night Ursula Hoch 0
DG visits Sunrise Ursula Hoch 0
Pinic 2010 Ursula Hoch 0
April and May Club news Ursula Hoch 0
Soup Kitchen Ursula Hoch 0
Grade Improvement Lunch 2010 Ursula Hoch 0
Trivia Night April 10 2010 Ursula Hoch 0
Membership Breakfast Ursula Hoch 0
Dictionary Project Ursula Hoch 0
Scholarship Breakfast 2010 Ursula Hoch 0
More good news Ursula Hoch 0
Good News at Sunrise Ursula Hoch 0
Emily Schaefer Ursula Hoch 0
November 12th meeting Ursula Hoch 0
Veteran Dinner 2009 Ursula Hoch 0
Christmas Party 2009 Ursula Hoch 0
Cathy Rybczynski Ursula Hoch 0
7090 Distric Conference Ursula Hoch 0
Wine and Food paring Ursula Hoch 0